The beginning is a very delicate time

— (Dune film, via @hakmem)

Real quality means making sure that people are proud of the code they write, that they're involved and taking it personally.

— Linus Torvalds




Sushi! Mmmm!


Hand-crafted owl. Reminds me of my days as a boy scout!


Goal at the hockey game with the Portland Winterhawks!

Parrot 3.0.0 is available from an Internet near you.



Today's Sunday morning: An excuisite cup of cappuccino with Entrepreneur magazine.

[Social media companies such as Facebook and LinkedIn] are being valued as if they will be our permanent means for identifying ourselves. Yet social media is itself as temporary as any social gathering, nightclub or party. It's the people that matter, not the venue.

Douglas Rushkoff on CNN


Thailand red curry. Hot. Yummy!

Today I created my best strapatsada ever. It tasted fantastic. So I'll try to document it for more people to use.

Strapatsada, or kagiana, is a simple dish for breakfast or dinner. Basically, it's a dish of scrambled eggs with added tomatoes and feta cheese. This way it ...


Indian Dal dish and Masala Grilled Chicken

Κατανοούμε ότι οι απόψεις μας είναι αιρετικές και ασύμβατες με την απόπειρα που κάνουν οι αναχρονιστές να μας υποχρεώσουν να ορκιστούμε στο "μελαγχολώ άρα υπάρχω".

Μοναδικό μας αντικαταθλιπτικό ο αγώνας για αξίωση της εργασίας μας.

Ευελπιστούμε για πρώτη φορά και τολμάμε να προβλέψουμε ότι το τέλος της κρίσης θα μας ...

Useful for privacy and time-capped WiFi connection at airports.

$ ifconfig -a wlan0 | grep HWaddr
wlan0  Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:2B:8D:A2:6C
$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:16:2B:8D:A2:7C
$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
$ ifconfig -a wlan0 | grep HWaddr
wlan0 ...


Futuristic tea pot


Out-of-office Indifex team meeting with Kostas with good beer and meat.


Photo: Role models.


The probaility you'll hit the cappuchino is propotional to its size and proximity to the keyboard.

A poem about that girl I met yesterday.

...she had an unusual calmness around
her. One, that everyone strives for. The
calmness of a floating kite. That character
of a river. Calmness which, monks attain
through divine realisation, and turtles gain,
perhaps, through years of watching genera-
tions pass by ...


"Somewhere over the Rainbow" by Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

Yesterday both me and Indifex were unexpectedly honored to be mentioned by the Greek Prime Minister as one of the best examples of innovative companies in Greece.

The Prime Minister was giving a talk at the biggest exhibition/fair in Greece (and probably the Balkans) which was broadcasted live by ...

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was 9. It was a hot summer day in Cyprus at my grandmother's back yard. My bicycle hit top speed, but chose a rather unfortunate and irreparable route towards the hen-house, resulting to my landing on a pile of mud and ...

Ever wondered how you could combine the power of rsync and simplicity of scp? Here's how:

$ alias scpresume='rsync --compress --partial --progress --recursive --rsh=ssh'
$ scpresume -r * ssh://

Simple as that!

Following my habit of posting solutions to Linux problems I face (Google rocks for troubleshooting), here's how I fixed a small issue with Pulseaudio and a USB headset I had today.

Since our team is scattered across the planet, we're having regular VoIP/Skype calls, so we bought ...