Alex Panagopoulos
Ι just love Alex’s drawings. Emotional and engaging, dreamy and bittersweet.
“The exchange of flowers”
Alex PanagopoulosAlex and I did quite a few crazy things together during University and later. I remember endless nights talking about God and chess before hitting breakfast to do some more talking. I remember freaking out on our first day in rock climbing and breaking Alex’s leg on a fall. Hitting on girls with the size of our camera lenses. Driving California State Route 1 and trying to dodge bears in Yosemite Park in the night.
Such an amazing guy.
Πολύ ωραία δημιουργία ! ;)
Φοβερός τύπος, και έχει copyright ένα γαμάτο: “Χουμμμ, τέλοσπάντων!”
LOL, Μάρκο
Έχω αναγκαστεί να το αλλάξω σε “Hmm, anyyyway” τελευταία..