Summer ‘08 and Transifex
I came to the conclusion that this summer (too) is bound to be an exciting one. Google Summer of Code has announced the successful student applications, and I’m thrilled to say we’ll have no less than three students hacking on Transifex.
Here they are.
Christos Trochalakis is a Python hacker, git addict, and Django contributor. He’ll be working on supercharging the submission layer of Transifex, in order to allow us to serve translations to a broader audience. Some of the goals include allowing translations also via bugzilla and email, making it possible to run a “headless” Transifex instance for upstream projects and ones behind firewalls, and creating more backends in a fashion similar to PackageKit’s.
Our own Diego Búrigo Zacarão is a well-known Brazilian Fedora L10n hacker (currently running for FLSCo). He has worked in the past in i18n-izing translate.fedoraproject.org and regularly pokes me to fix various stuff on our Localization infrastructure. He’ll be working on polishing a bunch of Tx stuff like adding full i18n support, AJAXifying time-consuming requests, and providing greater control over registered projects to help translators, developers and administrators work more efficiently.
Vasilis Kalintiris is an undergraduate at a school known in Greece for its respected code hackers. He’s going to work on missing pieces from a full translation workflow for open source projects. Fine-grained control over permissions means maintainers feeling more comfortable with who’s committing to their repo and upstream projects’ language teams working closer to individual downstream ones. OpenID means any person logging in and do stuff (like, provide translations!). Translation workflow management means better collaboration and communication, and less confusion and wasted time in translations not being shipped.
Thanks to the GSoC organizers for the great project and Fedora for believing in the technology and the people. With these projects on track, I’ll personally try hard to hammer Transifex in shape to be used by other open source projects in need for an upstream-friendly translation solution as well. Translation management, and content workflow in general, are sore points in distributed environments and opensource-powered ecosystems. We have a good base to build solutions on, and the excitement to go for it. :-)
I’m psyched to be mentoring Christos and Vasilis and working closely with Diego. We’ve already started discussing the ideas and the project planning, and a few days ago we got a transifex-devel discussion group created.
It seems everything is 3 times bigger this year.