Hello, world!
Hi there! This is my little corner on the web. Like all personal webpages this, too, is exceptionally boring, uses repeatedly the first singular person and is always under construction.
Most of the pages of this website are written in greek. The very few that are written in english are shown on the left-side menu.
These pages are validated as XHTML 1.0 Strict and reach, as far as I know, top "AAA" conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, satisfying all priority 1, 2, and 3 checkpoints.
Note: There are some issues with the english language that I would like to fix in the near future (like, for example, have the Accessibility statement translated, clearly mark links that point to greek content etc). Until then, please bear with the usability and accessibility of them!
Before you continue...
Please visit some more important pages:
- The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF europe) - Free software, a better world for us.
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - Freedom of speech and ideas on the internet.
- World Food Programme - Give help to those who need it.
Happy surfing!